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Sometimes you really want to draw something, but just can’t decide what and end up not drawing anything at all because of how unmotivated you become by the undecidedness. Sound familiar? We know that feeling too, and that’s why we have put together a list of 25 topics and ideas for when you get that sketching itch. 

  • City sketching – capture some of your favourite places 
  • Quick sketches of people on public transport
  • Put your dreams and ambitions on paper
  • You can never go wrong with a self-portrait
  • Create your own world in your own comic strip – and don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t look like a Marvel or DC production 
  • Make fun of your friends and draw their caricatures
  • Make a study of the human body – try skull or muscle anatomy, or a hand – few things are more difficult to do well than hands
  • Recreate your favourite moments from movies or series
  • Try bringing some flora and landscape into your sketchbook, and if you love being outside, take your sketchbook with you
  • Imagine you are a graphic designer and create a new logo for your favourite band
  • Draw a place that you’d like to visit someday
  • A still life is always a great option – find inspiration in the items around you, inside the fridge, or try copying a picture from the internet
  • Try making some cool tattoo designs
  • Whip up some fun clothing prints – what would your own t-shirt look like?
  • Try capturing your future the way you want it to be
  • Create illustrations for your favourite book
  • Empty your purse or pockets and draw what you see – this is also an exercise you get to try at our sketching course 😊
  • Design whatever you feel like – from a piece of furniture to an entire room
  • Try your hand at architecture, starting with simple scenes and working your way to full streets and blocks
  • Draw some food (not recommended when you’re hungry, though 😊)
  • Draw scenes from a normal day in your life
  • Capture your workplace or workspace
  • Spend some time just doodling (draw pictures or patterns without focusing on them but instead thinking of other things) – you may be surprised with the results
  • What was the best day of your life? Try putting that amazing memory on paper
  • And most importantly – draw things that make you happy 😊

Do you want to learn to capture the world around you? Come learn all the sketching tricks with us! It’s not nearly as hard as it might seem and soon enough you’ll be able to capture items, food, streets, nature, and people with quick sketches!



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